Spirituality of the Heart

Carmel Byrne rscj.

(This image is reproduced with the kind permission of the
National Museum of Ireland.)

The energy of the six Celtic spirals in Christ’s heartspace invites us to discover
the same divine heart energy in ourselves

This webpage is inviting me to enter into my own heart, into the Heart of God. The focus is experiential and holistic, grounded in the wisdom and goodness of the body. It is based on the felt – sensed conviction that the energy of God’s comforting, healing and empowering love is present in every cell of my body.

I do not need to strive or strain to find God.

I just need to let God rest in me.

I can click on any one of the meditations / visualisations / practices below, each of which draws me into my own heart, into the Heart of God.

Journey to the Heart

A whole body stilling bringing me to rest in my heart, in God’s Heart.

Gentle Hands, Gentle Heart

A hand massage, my hands are extensions of my heart, of God’s Heart. Through my hands I come to awareness of heart-presence, of God’s  presence in every cell of my body.

Fingers of the Heart

Through Indonesian Finger Holds I acknowledge, release and ground my emotions, opening myself to God’s healing energy and presence in each emotion.

*Adapted from Capacitar practices www.capacitar.org

Freeing the Heart to receive Compassion

A gentle push/pull movement, letting go of negative emotions and drawing in to my heart the strength and compassion of God’s Heart.

Freeing the Heart to receive Compassion

*Adapted from Capacitar practices www.capacitar.org

Healing the Heart with Compassion

A gentle movement opening my heart to the lavish abundance of God’s prodigal compassion for me and for the world. 

Healing the Heart with Compassion

*Adapted from Capacitar practices www.capacitar.org